On this page your find answers to a wide range of questions about joining the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ. 

Life on campus

Welcome packs

At registration and the Welcome Festival there will be a variety of information and freebies to collect, so please bring a bag with some space to carry these, so you don’t miss out!

What if I need to leave a lecture for personal reasons?

University is different to secondary school in that you can leave lectures without raising your hand and making the lecturer aware.

If you need to leave a lecture temporarily for a personal reason, you can quietly make your way to the door and return to the lecture when you are ready. 

How do I address my lecturers?

You should address your lecturers by their first name. They will introduce themselves to you in your first lecture with them.

It is always best to ask someone's name if you are unsure.

What if I'm a care leaver or estranged from my family?

Being independent of your family may mean that you will have additional considerations during your study, and although this may be the case, these should not be seen as a barrier to entering or progressing during your time with us.

We have a range of support available for care leavers which is discussed on our dedicated webpages for .

Where can I park during the Welcome Festival?

During the Welcome Festival period parking on campus is free for commuting students. After this period, parking on campus will require a permit or payment at one of our pay and display carparks. More information can be found on our dedicated parking webpages.

When can I apply for a parking permit?

Once you have enrolled and registered, you'll get the option on the portal to purchase a permit. There are many different options to pay for parking, however, so choose the best option for you. More information can be found on our dedicated parking webpages.

Money advice and budgeting

Whilst you are at university, you will need to learn how to budget to ensure that you have enough income to cover all your outgoings including rent, food, bills, travel etc.

Our can give you advice on:

  • How to earn extra money before and during university
  • Ways to boost your income
  • How to save money on food, study costs, travel, healthcare etc
  • How to plan your budget
  • Money saving tips 
  • Things to avoid  
  • How to earn money before and during university with a

Top tip: You can save money whilst living sustainably by reducing your food waste. Apps like  can help you find deals in your area.

Where can I eat and drink?

Our full range on on-site catering facilities are listed on our Worcester Uni Food pages including our canteen, coffee shops, the Campus Shop and cafés.

If you would like to bring your own food into the university we have microwaves in the canteen that are free for everyone to use.

Water fountains are available across our campuses and it is best to bring a refillable bottle to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. 

Where can I buy food?

Worcester has many supermarkets and stores in order for you to purchase food. There are also international supermarkets available which stock a variety of specialist foods.

Is there a prayer room on campus?

Yes, there are multi faith rooms on our campuses.

St John's Campus

Thomas Telford building, TT001
After 10pm and on weekends, access can be requested by contacting Reception.

City Campus

Charles Hastings LG030

Jenny Lind Chapel

Socialising if you don't live on campus

If you're living in a University-managed house or commuting to university from home, joining clubs and societies is a great way to make new friends.

Joining in with Welcome Festival events is a brilliant way to meet new people. You can also make friends with your new course-mates. Why not build a study group or group chat at the start of term to speak to others about coursework and lectures?

What kind of student societies do you have?

We have over 25 Societies and more than 35 Sports Clubs (both casual and competitive), so there's something for everyone to get involved in. Please drop into the SU for more information during welcome week or attend our annual Welcome Fair to meet our societies in person. 

We have full lists of our for you to explore. 



On move-in day can I park near accomodation?

Yes. You'll be able park for free, close to accomodation, to unload your belongings. 

When is the first payment due for accommodation?

Your first payment for accomodation will be due in October, so after your first maintenance loan installment. Please check your paperwork for the exact date. 

Will I get a free gym membership?

If you live in university-managed halls, you will get a free membership at our Riverside Gym. There are also discounts available for other students.

Do I need to bring pots, pans and a kettle?

It is a good idea to wait until you get here to decide whether to purchase certain larger kitchen items. If everyone in your flat brings a toaster, you will have five toasters! Our accommodation comes already equipped with certain items and you can find a full list of what is included in your accommodation here. Basic smaller items such as cutlery or tea towels should be bought with you.

Do I have to PAT test my electrical items?

Yes, your electrical items will need to be tested. You can do this before you arrive, or you can use our PAT testing service once you move in.

What if I get homesick?

Feeling a bit homesick when you arrive at university is totally normal. This might be the first time you’ve been out in the world on your own, fending for yourself and doing your own laundry. During the Welcome Festival and moving-in period it is a good idea not to return home unless necessary. The Welcome Festival and moving-in period are a key time for meeting friends and lecturers, getting organised, finding your way around and joining clubs and societies. 

If you can, try and join in with some of the Welcome events on campus and decorate your room so it feels more like home. You can chat to your personal tutor or contact Firstpoint, our student advice service, for more support or why not join one of our regular  events.




Information for Parents and Guardians

Preparing for university

If possible it can be a good idea to brush up on some cooking skills, talk about budgeting and have a safety talk with your student before they move away to university.

You can help your student by creating lists of things they might need to purchase to move into halls, attending a campus tour with them or helping them with the registration process.


DON'T PANIC, it is very normal for students to feel homesick when they move away to university. Chat to your student on the phone and talk through how they feel, they may just need to vent. 

It's a good idea for students who are living in the University Halls or in University-managed housing to try to stay there during the Welcome Festival period. This is really useful for making friends, meeting lecturers and getting a feel for the course. Try to encourage your student to get involved on campus. This might include attending the Welcome Festival activities, having dinner with flatmates or organising a film night. 

Remind your student that they can always return home to visit later in a few weeks time and can return for longer over the winter break. 

Things to organise

There are a few things you can help your student with before they move to university. It's worth chatting through these subjects with them:

Getting a student bank account

There’s a lot of banks to choose from and many have different deals and incentives, help your student make informed choices about bank accounts. With student finance and accommodation costs, a student bank account is an essential aspect of university life. 


Launderettes, equipped with washers and dryers are located at both St John’s and City Campus. You can use the machines 24-hours a day and current prices are available in the launderettes. Your student will need to download the Circuit Laundry App from Google Play or the Apple App Store. First time users will need to register with an email address and add funds. Help your student set this up and purchase some washing detergent during your first big shop.

TV License

Help your student organise a TV license if necessary. Only the ensuite extra halls of residence have a licence covering the communal area. All other halls will require a licence to watch in the communal areas and your student will need a separate TV Licence to watch in their room. Find more information on the 

Registering with a GP

Please encourage your student to register with a local GP if they are moving to Worcester. 

Supporting your student's studies

Keep in touch with your student and chat through any concerns they might have. It might be useful to familiarise yourself with the University Support Systems that they might want to access throughout their studies.

  • Firstpoint is based in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre, on St John's Campus and helps students to access information and support during their studies.
  • Personal Academic Tutors are offered to all undergraduate students. They are usually one of the people teaching on the student's course and will be a key regular point of contact with the University.
  • The Centre for Academic English and Skills can help students to improve their English and foreign language skills and can train them to become a teacher of English as a foreign language (CELTA).
  •  (SU) is an independent charity, devoted to the educational interests and welfare of students. The SU provides representation, assistance, volunteering opportunities, advice and guidance to students of the University.

What if my student isn't replying to my messages?

The first part of the academic year is very busy and exciting for students arriving at university for the first time, and in these circumstances it is unlikely that they will be aware of the upset or worry that this may be causing you.

We would suggest that you keep trying to get in touch, explaining that you are worried and asking that your student contacts you, another family member or a friend by a specific time, just to let you know that they are OK.

If you still do not hear from your student, contact Firstpoint and they will email and phone them encouraging them to make contact. They will also be able to offer your student support if they are struggling.

If your student gives permission, Firstpoint will contact you to let you know that they have been in touch. You can also contact Firstpoint if you are particularly concerned that your student is at risk or may have come to some harm. They will take your concerns seriously, and take the appropriate action, such as arranging a wellbeing check to ensure that your student is OK, and encouraging them to contact you. Please be assured that the welfare of our students is our priority, and that there is a range of support available if they need it.

What if my student prefers quieter nights in, will they still have opportunities to make friends?

During the there will have lots of opportunities to get to know other students with a range of different activities and classes to attend. Clubs and societies are a good way to make friends and they will probably be able to find at least one that interests them from the wide range available in the Students’ Union.

We are also planning film nights, ‘giant’ games, a picnic and a food festival to help students meet new people and make friends.

Most students settle and find friends quite quickly but if they do find it a struggle, they can visit one of our  sessions. Held in firstpoint throughout the year and every day during the first couple of weeks of each semester, this informal event provides a friendly space to chat with staff as well as a free hot drink, biscuits and fruit.

My student has a class today but isn’t well enough to come in. What should they do?

If they are feeling too unwell to come to class students need to contact the tutors of the classes that they will miss, and either their Personal Academic Tutor or the Academic Support Unit. If they do not already have contact details, they can get them from the Staff Directory tab on SOLE. 

My student is finding their course difficult is there someone who can help?

There are a number of people who can help. If your student is struggling with the course content, advise them to speak to their Personal Academic Tutor. If they need help with more generic study skills, such as referencing or academic writing, the offers a range of materials that your student may find useful and also has contact details for other staff and services that can help. These include Writers in Residence who provide tutorials on any aspect of academic writing and the The Centre for Academic English and Skills, which offers one-to-one support sessions on Academic English.

Using the library and learning how to reference work are all study skills that students new to university can struggle with. If your student needs help with finding books, journals and online resources, any of the staff at The Hive library will be able to assist. If they have questions about referencing or more complex library enquiries they can contact their subject librarian at askalibrarian@worc.ac.uk or visit the helpdesk on level 3 at The Hive, where staff will be happy to help.


Where can I find my registration login details?

You confirmation email will include your login ID and password for accessing our .

When logging in to the Student Portal for the first time you’ll be prompted to register for .

When you have logged onto the Student Portal, select SOLE (Student On Line Environment) and then click or tap 'Register Now'. More information regarding registration can be found on our . You will need to upload a photograph of yourself for your student ID card. 

If you are having technical problems with the online registration form please contact our Student Records Office on 01905 855 333.

Please note: If you’ve booked to stay in our campus accommodation you may have received your login details and instructions to setup MFA via this process – don’t be alarmed if the password field in your registration email is blank if you’ve done this.

If you’re struggling with logging into your account or need assistance setting up MFA please contact the .

For guidance with module selection contact Student Records on 01905 855333 or studentrecords@worc.ac.uk

For queries about the fees section please contact the relevant finance team:

When I've got my place, what happens next?

We'll email you your log in details on results day and then you can go through the process of registering as a student.

I am an international student travelling from overseas to study at the university. What support is there for international students?

International students are invited to attend an international induction during September at which you will complete your Right to Study (RTS checks), collect your Biometric Residence Permit (if necessary), have an opportunity to get over jet lag and begin to address any culture shock you may be experiencing as well as meeting other international students and getting to know Worcester and the UK. Experience has shown that attending this induction is very valuable and an indicator of future success.  During this time, you will meet the International Experience team and learn about the support they can offer during your time at UW.  

As an international student you are a member of the university family from the start and have access to all the same excellent academic, emotional and practical support as home students. However, we recognise that while moving to the UK to study is exciting, getting settled into a new country with different languages, food and currency can also feel daunting. The International Experience team is here to help you settle in with a carefully planned International Induction and year long opportunities for social events and trips. We look forward to meeting you!

Picking your modules

If you’d like help selecting your modules, please take a look at our . We’ll also be hosting some module selection drop-in sessions in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre (St John’s Campus), if you need further guidance when you arrive.

If all of your first year modules are mandatory you’ll see a summary of your modules. Please review these and then continue with the registration process.

Where's my timetable?

Once you’ve completed your module selection our timetabling team are able to create your semester one timetable. This needs to be coordinated across the whole University so please bear with us.

You’ll be able to access your academic timetable on SOLE (via the ) before your course starts.

Through SOLE you’ll also be able to see the welcome and induction schedule for your course.

How long is a lecture?

Your timetable will have all of the information you need about how long your lectures are. If you are concerned about the length of a lecture, you should talk to your Personal Academic Tutor to find a solution.

How do I get my student ID card?

Once you're registered you’ll receive an email from us inviting you to collect your ID card. The suggested date to collect your card will vary depending on your course, and whether you’re commuting or living in University accommodation.

To collect your card you will need to show us some identification, so please bring with you on the day:

  • Original photo ID, such as your passport or photocard driving licence
  • Your certificate of registration - this is provided when you have fully completed your online registration. You can either bring a printed version, or show this to us on your mobile device
  • DBS Certificate - if you need one for your course

If you can’t attend at your allocated collection time, you'll have other opportunities to collect your ID card from firstpoint (in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre) throughout the first few weeks of term.


IT Services and Multi-Factor Authentification

Getting online

To get started with your university IT services, including setting up your account and logging into Wi-Fi, please visit our comprehensive

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The first time you login with your ¹ú²úÊÓƵ student account, you’ll be prompted to register for  (MFA). This provides an extra layer of security on your account.

You’ll need to register for MFA before you complete your online registration. Please see our  for help registering for this service. We recommend setting up two separate methods of authentication, the most secure being app authentication.

I’m struggling to set up MFA what should I do?

If you’re having trouble with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) registration please try the following:
  • Restart your PC
  • Clear your browser cache
  • Change your browser language settings to English
  • Go direct to  to start the MFA process

If you are still experiencing difficulty please contact the IT Service:

  • Call us Monday – Friday 08:30 to 21:00 and Saturday - Sunday 08:00 to 21:00 on 01905 85 7500

Is there Wi-Fi on Campus?

The University uses the JISC wireless network “eduroam”, which you can connect to in all campus buildings and at other higher education facilities across the UK. To connect to this network on your devices, .

Please note: Students staying in our residences on campus should connect to the Glide network in those buildings, to do so .

Can I borrow a laptop?

You can borrow a laptop on a short or long term loan from the University (stocks permitting).

What if I need to buy a laptop?


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