Paul Elliott is the author of three books on film and popular culture: Hitchcock and the Cinema of Sensations, a study that deals with embodiment and philosophy in the work of Alfred Hitchcock; Guattari Reframed, an introductory volume on the French psychoanalyst and activist Felix Guattari, and Studying the British Crime Film. He has a PhD in film studies and has written widely in the area of cinema.
He has a passion for British film and television and the avant-garde. He is currently writing a book about the experimental documentary and how the philosophies of art have impacted upon filmmakers depictions of reality.
Paul teaches on a number of modules including Truth, Reality and the Documentary Film, Hollywood and Beyond and Screening the Nation. All of these modules ask students to see film as part of a wider culture of modern thought and philosophical inquiry.
He is also interested in the concept of the film archive and historical film documents and is the proud owner of an original copy of the 1929 Surrealist manifesto. You can follow him on twitter