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What makes Criminology with Politics at Worcester special?

As academic subjects, Criminology and Politics at university have a basis in both academia and practice. Our Criminology with Politics degree holds a primary focus on research and debated explanations for crime, victimisation and deviance, and responses to those crimes, by societies and individuals. The course moves away from the traditional teaching of the social sciences to embrace the contemporary and innovative topics and practices of 21st-century criminal justice.

Alongside studying Criminology, your course will have a political edge, in that your studies will be contextualised within a wider focus on Westminster, European, and global political philosophies, systems, and challenges. Indeed, in your Criminology with Politics degree not only will you be able to explore the research areas that interest you, but you will also experience a genuine taste of the work you could be doing after you graduate.



Key features

  • Develop your knowledge and critical understanding of crime and its impact on victims and wider society in the context of contemporary Westminster, European, and global politics.
  • Our Criminology with Politics course allows you to develop your understanding of the legal framework and criminal justice responses to crime. 
  • Mandatory modules at each level of your study to help you develop subject knowledge in Westminster, European and global politics.
  • Our teaching is both exciting and innovative and includes lively in-class discussions, authentic learning opportunities, guest speakers and group trips.
  • We also offer additional opportunities for you to engage in, these include the Worcester Criminology Society, a peer mentoring scheme and social nights.
  • Regular trips including an annual trip to Parliament in Westminster, as well as regular socials, local lectures and events, and extracurricular activities.
  • Modules and assessments are coursework based with an emphasis on experiential learning and honing the key skills that employers value, helping you to increase your employability prospects.
two girls jumping in front of the champs Elysee structure

Study Abroad

Our Criminology courses have an option to study abroad in your third year. This is an excellent way to expand your experience and skill set. 

Find out more about studying abroad
Entry requirements

Entry requirements

UCAS tariff points

Entry requirements

112 UCAS Tariff points

Other information

If you have any questions about entry requirements, please contact the Admissions Office on 01905 855111 or email admissions@worc.ac.uk for advice.

Further information about the UCAS Tariff can be obtained from the

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Course content

Course content

Our courses are informed by research and current developments in the discipline and feedback from students, external examiners and employers. Modules do therefore change periodically in the interests of keeping the course relevant and reflecting best practice. The most up-to-date information will be available to you once you have accepted a place and registered for the course. If there are insufficient numbers of students interested in an optional module, this might not be offered, but we will advise you as soon as possible and help you choose an alternative. 

Year 1


  • Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Professional Skills, Practice and Research in Criminology
  • Westminster Politics


Year 2


  • Building on Theory and Research in Criminology 
  • European Politics
  • Contemporary & Global Issues in Criminology


Year 3


  • Dissertation
  • Global Politics


  • Youth Justice and Crime
  • Intimate Partner Abuse: Impact and Response
  • Organised Crime, Terrorism and Gangs
  • Mental Health and Substance Use in the context of the criminal justice System 
  • Cybercrime
  • Work Based Learning
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Teaching and assessment

Teaching and assessment


We enable students to develop the independent learning capabilities that will equip you for lifelong learning and future employment, as well as academic achievement.

You are taught through a combination of interactive workshops, lectures, seminars and practical activities. The variety of formats are intended to enable the discussion and development of understanding of topics as well as the application of learning through group activities.

As part of your learning, you will also be asked to attend areas of the criminal justice system such as the Court, to observe the sector in an operational setting.


Teaching Methods

Teaching methods will be used such as problem-based learning, whereby students will apply theory and content from politics to address real-world, global issues (e.g. understanding Brexit, the rise of populist politics). Such global issues will be themes that run through the course.

In addition, meetings with personal academic tutors are scheduled on at least four occasions in the first year and three occasions in each of the other years of a course.

A mixture of independent study, teaching and academic support from Student Services and Library Services, and also the personal academic tutoring system enables you to reflect on progress and build up a profile of skills, achievements and experiences that will help you to flourish and be successful.

Duration and timetables

  • 3 years full-time
  • 4-6 years part-time

Timetables are normally available one month before registration. Please note that whilst we try to be as student-friendly as possible, scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week, and some classes can be scheduled in the evenings.

Contact time

In a typical week, students will have around 10-12 contact hours of teaching. The precise contact hours will depend on the optional modules selected and in the final year there is normally slightly less contact time to do more independent study. In each semester, students will be studying four modules. Each module will have 2-3 hours of weekly classes on campus, typically including a lecture and a smaller seminar or workshop. The final year dissertation has more flexibility in terms of teaching as this consists of small group seminars and individual supervision tailored to the progress of each student.

Typically, on-campus classes will be structured around:

  • Lectures
    • First year lectures can be large (100 typically)
    • Second and third year lectures are smaller (50-60 typically)
  • Seminars and workshops
    • Groups are smaller, groups range from 25-40
    • Seminars encourage students to work in groups of 6-8
  • Tutorials
    • Staff have weekly 20 minute 1:1 tutorial slot’s available to book
  • Use of course Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) for online activities
    • Each module will include a range of online activities including recorded talks, discussion boards, padlets, quizzes and directed reading.

Independent self-study

In addition to the contact time, you are expected to undertake around 24 hours of personal self-study per week.  Typically, this will involve completing online activities, reading journal articles and books, working on individual and group projects, undertaking research in the library and online, preparing coursework assignments and presentations.

Independent learning is supported by a range of excellent learning facilities, including The Hive and library resources, the virtual learning environment, and extensive electronic learning resources. 


A range of assessment methods are used to enable students to achieve and demonstrate the learning outcomes. Literacy and critical thinking around criminology is developed and assessed through assignments such as essays, literature reviews and critical reviews of journal papers. Such assessments aim to develop skills such as problem solving, research, organisation, planning, and effective communication.

Effective and fluent written, oral, and visual communication is enhanced further through assessments that use posters and PowerPoint presentations, video, and webpage design; whilst the use of group work for assessment enables better team working and the development of leadership skills. Finally, several modules use weblogs, e-portfolios, and case studies to develop and assess a range of skills including reflection and independent learning.

Furthermore, the course provides opportunities to test understanding and learning informally through the completion of practice or ‘formative’ assignments. Each module has one or more formal or ‘summative’ assessments which are graded and count towards the overall module grade.

Assessment methods will vary but could include: Essay, Reflective Log, Personal Development Plan, Public Communication, Literature Review, Research Proposal, Presentation (group and individual), Research Project, Poster Presentation, Case Study, Portfolio, Policy Briefing, Extended Essay, and Vlog.

The precise assessment requirements for an individual student in an academic year will vary according to the mandatory and optional modules taken, but a typical formal summative assessment pattern for each year of the course is:


Year 1

  • 3 x case studies
  • 2 x reports
  • 1 x personal development plan
  • 1 x research methods report
  • 1 x document analysis
  • 1 x discussion paper

Year 2

  • 2 x reports
  • 1 x research proposal
  • 1 x risk evaluation
  • 1 x presentation
  • 1 x podcast
  • 1 x reflective journal
  • 1 x essay
  • 1 x political discourse analysis
  • 1 x case study

Year 3

  • 1 x dissertation
  • 1 x poster conference presentation
  • 2 x digital presentations
  • 1 x vlog
  • 2 x essays
  • 1 x political discourse analysis
  • 1 x research briefing

Programme Specification

For comprehensive details on the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, and the means by which these are achieved through learning, teaching and assessment, please 

Hannah Carstairs - Former Politics student

Politics is such a vast subject covering topics of history, sociology, ethics and a little philosophy. It helps you to gain a clear understanding of the world around you and I have really enjoyed how the course focuses on contemporary political issues rather than just ideologies. The lecturers use a variety of interactive media to engage students and help you find interesting research. Studying politics has assisted me to fine tune the skills I will need to seek a career in teaching and writing. I will take what I have learnt on this course into my Masters.

I would highly recommend the university to others. The lecturers on my course have been incredibly supportive and understanding allowing me to take the course at my own pace.

Linda Lukangu - Former Politics student

The politics classes are quite small, so it’s easy to get your voice heard and you really get to know your lecturer and your classmates. The classes are usually divided into a lecture about a specific subject and the second half is more about discussions and group work where you can develop your critical thinking.

I would definitely recommend the university. It's the right size with loads of greenery and a good sized town centre only walking distance away. The university also offers loads of assistance for those who need it so you never feel alone and the course selection is so big, everyone is guaranteed to find something they are interested in

Elizabeth, a Criminology student

Elizabeth, Year 1 Single (hons) Criminology

''Before starting this degree, I spent 5 years working as a prison officer within the high security estate. Starting the job at 18, I didn't know what to do as a career. Over those years, my knowledge in the Criminal Justice System grew, as well as my confidence, and I realised I needed to be working with survivors of crime, rather than the perpetrators, to give back to the community.

This degree is allowing me to chase the career I want and although I was nervous at first, I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. Everything we're learning whether that be criminological theories or the effect of social justice on society, is fascinating to me and I’m so looking forward to the Victimology course next year.''

Meet the team

Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson

Amy has been a lecturer at the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ for four years. Amy enjoys bringing real-world challenges and issues into her classroom and draws upon her experience of working with various client groups (homelessness, addictions, offending and domestic abuse) to demonstrate application. Specifically, Amy enjoys listening to her student’s ambitions and supporting them throughout their degree to reach their potential. Amy has been working with organisations across Worcestershire to ensure students have the best volunteer and work placement opportunities.

Amy enjoys researching offending behaviour and exploring how the criminal justice system is set up to support individuals with behavioural challenges and those who have a lower intellectual ability. Amy has an interest in the development of behaviour change interventions and evidence-based practice, particularly within the community and healthcare settings. Most recently, Amy is working on a large scale research project relating to the development of an integrated intervention targeting men in substance use treatment who perpetrate intimate partner abuse. Over the past twelve months, Amy has been delivering intimate partner violence and ADVANCE training all over the UK to practitioners at substance use services.

Profile Image of Courtney Smith

Courtney Smith

Courtney joined the University as an Associate Lecturer in March 2021, having previously gained her undergraduate degree in Law and Masters in Criminology from the University of Nottingham.

Courtney’s interests within Criminology are in the field of green criminology. Specifically, Courtney enjoys exploring the criminogenic nature of the current environmental crisis and investigating the distribution of criminal responsibility for such acts. Courtney is also interested in critically thinking about how traditional criminological theory may apply in the context of green criminology, exploring the challenges and benefits that this may bring to mainstream understandings of ‘crime’ and ‘justice’.  Courtney enjoys taking a multi-disciplinary approach to her work, drawing on expertise from a range of academic fields.


Jenna Page

Jenna has worked at the university as a lecturer in criminology, teaching on the undergraduate criminology degrees, since 2018. Prior to moving into academia Jenna was a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives specialising in housing litigation law. Jenna is passionate about both education and criminology and enjoys the privileged role of supporting students throughout their university journey. Jenna enjoys working with students from a diverse range of backgrounds and uses contemporary issues and case studies to encourage student engagement and passion within the discourse of criminology. Jenna undertakes the role of Learning and Teaching Coordinator within the School of Psychology with the aim of discussing and disseminating outstanding learning and teaching practice throughout the school.

Dr Simon Hardy

Dr Simon Hardy

Simon has lectured at Worcester in Sociology and Media & Cultural Studies since 1995, with specialisms in the history of sexuality, the sociology of pornography and contemporary media coverage of warfare.

Dr Luke Devine

Luke is currently Course Leader for Sociology

Dr Paddy McNally

Paddy McNally's teaching and research interests are focused on Irish history from 1690 until 1848, German history from 1870 to 1945, and the history of political thought. He is author of the book, Parties, Patriots and Undertakers. Parliamentary politics in early Hanoverian Ireland and numerous articles on eighteenth-century Irish history. He is currently writing From the Boyne to the Famine. A thematic history of Ireland, 1690-1848, to be published by Routledge. He teaches specialist modules on Irish history 1690-1848, German history 1870-1945, and Nationalism. He has successfully supervised PhD and MPhil students to completion and welcomes expressions of interest from prospective postgraduate researchers in most aspects of British and Irish history from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth centuries.

Sarah Lloyd

Sarah is a lecturer in Psychology, co-lead of Undergraduate Psychology Courses, and Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) Co-ordinator in the School of Psychology. She is predominantly interested in Forensic Psychology but teaches across the Psychology curriculum, leading the Professional Skills and Practice, Evidence Based Practice, Psychology in the Real World, and Psychology and Law undergraduate modules.

Sarah completed her MSc in Forensic Psychology at Birmingham City University and is currently in the final year of her PhD which explores the group decision-making processes of juries. Before joining the team at Worcester in 2021, she was an Assistant Lecturer in the Forensic Psychology MSc at Birmingham City University. 


Mikahil Sulaiman Azad

Mikahil Azad is a Lecturer in Criminology at the University Worcester. He joined the team in September 2023 and has previously taught at Birmingham City University and Arden University in Criminology. Mikahil is toward the end of his doctoral research which focuses upon safety in and around the space of mosques using ethnographic methodologies.

Isabel Gilbert

Isabel Gilbert

Isabel has a background in the heritage sector and has specialised in the relationship between interpretations of history and racism in contemporary society. She brings her knowledge of societal inequality, social justice, symbolism, politics and ideology, and the influence of popular culture to the subject of Criminology.

Isabel enjoys researching cultural conflict, social justice movements, reactionary politics and legacies of colonialism.


Michael Allen

Michael is a former police officer who served 27 years in West Mercia Police. He was fortunate enough to serve the community in a broad range of operational front-line policing duties.

After serving 12 years in a wide variety of uniform policing roles, Michael became a Detective and later Detective Sergeant. He developed a keen interest in interviewing, which included the interviewing of suspected offenders, victims of crime, and witnesses involved in serious and major crime investigations.



Graduates from our Criminology with Politics degree are able to engage with and draw upon a range of intellectual and critical processes in the decisions they make, including the identification and significance of different value positions to everyday practice and politics. We teach topics relevant in today’s global society to encourage and graduates to have a sense of social and political responsibility and cultural awareness. Our methods of teaching including the use of online activities will enable you to develop digital capabilities and communication skills relevant in modern workplaces. Our assessments are based in real-world scenarios and use written and presentation elements to ensure you develop key transferable skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, resilience and teamwork.

This means that our graduates can make decisions that are not only rigorously analytical in scope but also demonstrate active engagement with the different value positions representative of a wide range of diverse groups, communities and institutions.

Studying Criminology with Politics at university will give you a wide range of skills and knowledge that will attract employment from a variety of agencies and organisations in the criminal justice sector, whether public, private or 3rd sector.

Your course team have a strong relationship with many local employers, some of whom act as guest speakers on the course and others who input into our popular careers days e.g. Cranstoun Sandwell Drugs and Alcohol service, West Mercia Police, National Probation Service, YMCA, Youth Offending Service, Maggs Day centre, Witness Services. The course team have supported students in gaining voluntary experiences within these settings which can enhance your employability and skills development.

Two students are walking next to each other and smiling

Careers and Employability

Our Graduates pursue exciting and diverse careers in a wide variety of employment sectors.

Find out how we can support you to achieve your potential

Fees and funding

Full-time tuition fees

UK and EU students

The standard fee for full-time home and EU undergraduate students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the 2025/26 academic year is £9,250 per year (subject to changes in the government tuition fee cap).

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

International students

The standard tuition fee for full-time international students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the 2025/26 academic year is £16,700 per year.

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

Part-time tuition fees

UK and EU students

The standard tuition fees for part-time UK and EU students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the academic year 2025/26 are £1,156 per 15-credit module, £1,542 per 20-credit module, £2,312 per 30-credit module, £3,083 per 40-credit module, £3,469 per 45-credit module and £4,625 per 60 credit module (subject to changes in the government tuition fee cap).

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

Additional costs

Every course has day-to-day costs for basic books, stationery, printing and photocopying. The amounts vary between courses.

If your course offers a placement opportunity, you may need to pay for an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.


Finding the right accommodation is paramount to your university experience. Our halls of residence are home to friendly student communities, making them great places to live and study.

We have over 1,000 rooms across our range of student halls. With rooms to suit every budget and need, from our 'Traditional Halls' at £131 per week to 'Ensuite Premium Halls' at £228 per week (2025/26 prices).

For full details visit our accommodation page.

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