Please click on the name of the supervisor to follow a link to their webpage. We recommend contacting a potential supervisor with your research outline before submitting a formal application, please read our first. Please only contact one supervisor. If another supervisor is better suited to your project, we will redirect your query.
Dr Scott Andrews
Expertise: Leadership, case study research methodologies, case based teaching & participant centred learning in management education
Dr Sajad Rezaei
Expertise: Interactive & Digital Marketing; Sustainability and Responsible Business; Business Innovation and Strategy; Consumer Behaviour.
Dr Jane Keenan
Expertise: Accounting and Financial Management, Corporate Finance and Employment legislation and how this affects companies competitiveness.
Dr Robin Bell
Expertise: Entrepreneurship/small business; international business and management; cross-cultural communication.
Dr Kay Emblen-Perry
Expertise: Sustainable management including environmental management and justice, social responsibility and economic sustainability.
Professor Jan Francis-Smythe
Expertise: Occupational psychology and HR: selection and assessment; career development and appraisal; training; employee relations and motivation; organisational development and change; leadership; counselling and personal development.
Dr Laila Kasem
Expertise: International business; international marketing; strategy; organisational learning and cross-cultural consumer behaviour.
Self-funded project: Exploring the Career Choices of Recently-Arrived Refugees in the UK
Dr. Barbara Menara
Expertise: employee engagement, job satisfaction, turnover, workplace wellbeing, professions, quantitative methods, panel data analysis
Dr Paulo Mora-Avila
Expertise: Consumer psychology, corporate reputation, branding, and cross-cultural & cross-generational behaviour.
Dr Pamella Murray
Expertise: Leadership; teamwork; coaching and mentoring.
Dr Lynn Nichol
Expertise: Work based learning; professional identity; narrative research/ethnography; psychological contract/survivor syndrome/downsizing; learning and development; careers; employee relations; faith based organisation.
Dr Richard Nicholls
Expertise: Services marketing; customer-to-customer interaction; ageing service customers; customer misbehaviour.
Dr. Cedric Nikko
Expertise: Creativity & Leadership, People Management, Organisational Behaviour, Global Challenges – SDGs, Strategic Management, Strategic Operational Management, Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility (CSR)
Dr Catharine Ross
Expertise: Diversity in organisations; workplace culture and politics; sociology of the professions; workplace diversity and equality; employee relations; management development; careers.
Self-funded project: Exploring the Career Choices of Recently-Arrived Refugees in the UK
Dr. Oluwole Shokunbi
Expertise: Employee Engagement, Human Resource Management, Leadership and Management Development, Change Management, Organisational Behaviour, Capacity Building in the Private, the Public and the third Sectors
Dr Abdulmaten Taroun
Expertise: Project management; operations management; decision-making and risk analysis; risk management; enterprise risk management (ERM); quality management; construction management; performance management; sustainability and sustainable development.
Dr Vessela Warren
Expertise: Innovation management; knowledge management in innovation; new service development (NSD) processes; innovation and sustainability; barriers and enablers to service innovation; strategic innovation; the role of the networks into the innovation process; service design; service co-creation; servitization.
Dr Helen Watts
Expertise: Customer retention, membership services, consumer psychology, occupational psychology, quantitative methodologies, qualitative methodologies, mixed method designs.
Dr Ria Wiid
Expertise: Contemporary marketing communications, authenticity and inside out branding.