Professor Nick Evans

Nick Evans picture 1

Professor of Rural Geography and Head of Geography and Environment

School of Science and the Environment

Geography and Environment

Contact Details

tel: 01905 85 5187

Prof. Nick Evans joined the Geography Department at Worcester in the 1990s and has been dedicated to the development of excellence in both teaching and research ever since. His academic interests lie firmly within the arena of rural geography; and agricultural geography in particular, contributing to reinvigorating its relevance in human geography as agri-cultural geography. Nick’s work focuses particularly upon the social and cultural reasons which explain the way in which Western World models of global agriculture actually work, offering alternative explanations to those usually based solely on economics. This approach encompasses studying the interactions between farming people, agricultural policy and environmental impacts. Nick has also been at the forefront of the emergence of a critical new animal geography through his work on farm livestock and landscape.

As Director of the former Centre for Rural Research, Nick has undertaken many research projects for clients such as local authorities, conservation charities and government departments. He has published many research papers in the rural realm of geography. Such specialisms in research ensure that Nick’s teaching covers exciting and relevant areas of human geography that many students will not yet have encountered. He attempts to make all his taught sessions engaging for students and uses liberal amounts of fieldwork to support learning, both within modules and as residential week experiences. Nick has worked closely with many postgraduate students, being a former Chair of its institution-wide postgraduate Research Degrees Board (RDB). In this senior management role for the University, he endeavoured to ensure that all doctoral students interacted positively with the University's regulations and positively enhance their experience of research training.


  • PhD Agricultural Geography (Coventry)
  • BSc (Hons) Geography (Coventry)

Teaching & Research

Teaching Interests

Nick has a wealth of teaching experience and uses all sorts of ideas to engage students with exciting themes in human geography, and more specifically within rural geography. One main mission is to explain to students how farming works, the starting position being that fewer and fewer people know anything about it! This includes exposing the labyrinthine nature of agricultural policy, raising awareness of sources of food and exploring the relationship between farming and the environment of the countryside. Amongst the areas of geography that Nick has taught recently are:

  • Rural Geography
  • Agricultural Geography
  • Countryside Conservation
  • Landscape and Nature
  • Critical Animal Geography
  • Maps and Mapping
  • Themes in Human Geography (Lake District Fieldcourse)
  • Rural development, land management and cultural identity in the Scottish Highlands (Highlands Fieldcourse)
  • Mediterranean Europe (Provence Fieldcourse)

Research Interests

Nick has published numerous research papers in top-rated Geography journals engaging with the general topic areas below:

  1. The culture of agriculture
  2. Farming families
  3. Farm livestock and the farmed landscape
  4. Agriculture and climate change
  5. Rural access to new health services

He very regularly provides expert review of papers submitted to the main geographical publications by geographers world-wide. Nick also adjudicates the quality of submissions for multi-million pound research grant proposals made by other academics from research-intensive universities across the globe.

Nick successfully directed the Centre for Rural Research, a consultancy unit providing people at a local, regional and national level with access to expertise on countryside matters. Numerous projects were completed for clients resulting in high quality research reports (see list below). Such work continues under the broader umbrellas of the Sustainable Environments Research Group (SERG) and the University’s Department of Sustainability.

Research Supervision

Nick is a very experienced PhD supervisor and examiner. He has supervised a double-digit number of students, with all studentships completed successfully. His approach is to offer support and advice to research students through regular meetings and whenever else they need it. He has examined PhDs within the area of his research interests and is more than happy to continue to do so! Nick provides training for staff across the University on how to examine PhDs and sessions for postgraduate students on what to expect in the viva.

University roles

These have been many and varied across a range of academic and administrative areas, including the following past and present:

  • Director, Centre for Rural Research
  • Member of the Department of Sustainability
  • Chair of Research Degrees Board
  • Chair of Research Degrees Programmes Committee
  • Member of 国产视频 Research Committee
  • Member of Academic Governance Committee
  • Member of Academic Board
  • Member of Library Strategy Group
  • University Research Seminar Series Co-ordinator
  • Geography Research Excellence Framework submission author
  • Member of University Professors Group
  • Acting Head of School of Science and the Environment

Research Publications

Journal Articles


Moore, C., Unwin, P., Evans, N. and Howie, F. (2023) “Winging It”: An Exploration of the Self-Perceived Professional Identity of Social Prescribing Link Workers. Health & Social Care in the Community 31,

Moore, C., Unwin, P., Evans, N. and Howie, F. (2022) Social Prescribing: Exploring General Practitioners' and Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of, and Engagement with, the NHS Model. Health & Social Care in the Community 30, e5176-e5185.

Osborne, R. and Evans, N. (2019) Friend or foe? UK Farmers’ Relationships with the Weather. Journal of Rural Studies 72, 205-215.

Hamilton, L., Allcock, J. and Evans, N. (2019) “I don't go to meetings”: understanding farmer perspectives on bovine TB and biosecurity training. Veterinary Record 184, 410-410.

Griffiths, R., and Evans, N. (2015). The Welsh Marches: resilient farmers? Exploring farmers' resilience to extreme weather events in the recent past. AGER: Revista de estudios sobre despoblación y desarrollo rural: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies 18, 161-189.

Leck, C., Upton, D. and Evans, N. (2015) Growing well鈥恇eings: The positive experience of care farms. British Journal of Health Psychology 20, 745-762.

Leck, C., Evans, N. and Upton, D. (2014). Agriculture–Who cares? An investigation of ‘care farming’ in the UK. Journal of Rural Studies 34, 313-325.

Leck, C., Upton, D. and Evans, N. (2014). Social Return on Investment: Valuing health outcomes or promoting economic values? Journal of Health Psychology, Published online before print November 28th, 2014, doi: 10.1177/1359105314557502.

Evans, N. (2013) Cultural resistance and policy persistence: the re-development of horticulture in the Vale of Evesham. Journal of Rural and Community Development 8, 29-48.

Evans, N. (2013) Strawberry fields forever? Conflict over neo-productivist Spanish polytunnel technology in British agriculture. Land Use Policy 35, 61-72.

Price, L. and Evans, N. (2009) From farming stress to distress. Journal of Rural Studies 25, 1-11.

Evans, N. (2009) Adjustment strategies revisited: agricultural change in the Welsh Marches. Journal of Rural Studies 25, 217-230.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (2006) A Lleyn sweep for local sheep. Environment and Planning A 38, 1307-1326.

Price, L. and Evans, N. (2006) From ‘good as gold’ to ‘gold diggers’: farming women and the survival of British Family Farming. Sociologia Ruralis 46, 280-298.

Morris, C. and Evans, N. (2004) Agricultural turns, geographical turns: retrospect and prospect. Journal of Rural Studies 20, 95-111.

Evans, N. , Gaskell, P. and Winter, M. (2003) Re-assessing the role of agrarian policy and practice in local environmental management: the case of beef cattle. Land Use Policy 20, 231-242.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (2003) Livestock, locality and landscape: EU regulations and the new geography of Welsh farm animals. Applied Geography 23, 137-157.

Evans, N. , Morris, C. and Winter, M. (2002) Conceptualising agriculture: a critique of post-productivism as the new orthodoxy. Progress in Human Geography 26, 313-332.

Morris, C. and Evans, N. (2001) Cheesemakers are always women: gendered representations of farm life in the agricultural press. Gender, Place and Culture 8, 375-390.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (2000) The politicization of livestock: rare breeds and countryside conservation. Sociologia Ruralis 40, 228-248.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (1999) The changing geography of rare livestock breeds in Britain. Geography 84, 80-91.

Morris, C. and Evans, N. (1999) Research on the geography of agricultural change: redundant or revitalized? Area 31, 349-358.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (1998) New places for “Old Spots”: the changing geographies of domestic livestock animals. Society and Animals 6, 137-166.

Evans, N. (1997) Resources for project work on agri-environmental issues in the north west of England. The North West Geographer Third Series 1, 60-68.

Evans, N. and Morris, C. (1997) Towards a geography of agri-environmental policies in England and Wales. Geoforum 28, 189-204.

Yarwood, R., Evans, N. and Higginbottom, J. (1997) The contemporary geography of indigenous Irish livestock. Irish Geography 30, 17-30.

Evans, N. and Ilbery, B. (1996) Exploring the influence of farm-based pluriactivity on gender relations in capitalist agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis 36, 74-92.

Evans, N. (1996) Evaluating recent changes to the publication of UK agricultural census data. Geography 81, 225-234.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (1995) Livestock and Landscape. Landscape Research 20, 141-146.

Evans, N. and Ilbery, B. (1993) The pluriactivity, part-time farming and farm diversification debate. Environment and Planning A 25, 945-959.

Evans N. and Ilbery, B. (1992) Geographical aspects of farm-based accommodation. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 159, 67-80.

Evans, N. and Ilbery, B. (1992) Farm-based accommodation and the restructuring of agriculture: evidence from three English counties. Journal of Rural Studies 8, 85-96.

Evans, N. and Ilbery, B. (1992) Advertising and farm-based accommodation: a British case study. Tourism Management 13, 415-422.

Ilbery, B. and Evans, N. (1989) Estimating land loss on the urban fringe: a comparison of the Agricultural Census and aerial photograph / map evidence. Geography 74, 214-221.

Evans, N. and Ilbery, B. (1989) A conceptual framework for investigating farm-based accommodation and tourism in Britain. Journal of Rural Studies 5, 257-266.



Evans, N. (2021) Where There’s (Farm) Muck, There’s Brass. Dialogues in Human Geography 12, 161-164.

Ramsey, D., Abrams, J., Clark J. and Evans, N. (2013). Rural geography – rural development: An examination of agriculture, policy and planning, and community in rural areas. Journal of Rural and Community Development 8, i-v.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (2000) The geography of UK agriculture: mapping rare breeds. Geography Review 14, 8-22.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, B. (1999) Power, Politics and Conservation: the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. Geography Department Occasional Papers, Number 1. University College Worcester.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (1998) Results of the membership survey. The Ark 26, pp.10-16.

Ilbery, B. and Evans, N. (1996) Post-productive agriculture in the South Midlands. In Bowler, I. (ed.) Progress in Research on Rural Geography, pp.83-84. Department of Geography Occasional Paper 35, Leicester University.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (1996) Rare breeds, livestock and the post-productivist countryside. In Bowler, I. (ed.) Progress in Research on Rural Geography, pp.27-28. Department of Geography Occasional Paper 35, Leicester University.

Evans, N. (1995) Rural Europe, Area 27, 171-172.

Evans, N. (1994) Young Rural Researchers’ Forum, Area 26, 203-204.

Evans, N. (1988) Look before you leap. Farmers Weekly, September 23rd.


Contributions to Books

Evans, N. (2014) Land Use Change in Post-war Worcestershire. In Maskew, R. (ed.) The Flora of Worcestershire, Chapter 3, pp.19-37. Roger Maskew, Tenbury Wells, UK.

Leck, C., Upton, D. and Evans, N. (2013) Social Aspects of Green Care. In Gallis, C. (ed.) Green Care: For Human Therapy, Social Innovation, Rural Economy and Education. Nova Publishers, New York, USA. Chapter 9, pp.155-188.

Evans, N. (2010) Contextualising Agricultural Change: Agricultural change in the Welsh Marches. In Winchell, D., Ramsey, D., Koster, R. and Robinson, G. (eds.) Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change. Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada. Chapter 6, pp.106-121.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (2008) Farm Animals and Rural Sustainability. In Robinson, G. (ed.) Sustainable Rural Systems: Sustainable agriculture and rural communities. Ashgate, Aldershot. Chapter 4, pp. 83-98.

Morris, C. and Evans, N. (2008) Agricultural turns, geographical turns: retrospect and prospect.In Munton, R. (ed.) The Rural: Critical Essays in Human Geography. Ashgate, Aldershot, Chapter 19, pp.321-339.

Price, L. and Evans, N. (2005) Work and worry: revealing farm women’s way of life. In Little, J. and Morris, C. (eds.) Critical Studies in Rural Gender Issues, Ashgate, Chapter 4, pp.45-59.

Walford, N. and Evans, N. (2003) (eds.) Innovations in Rural Areas, Clermont Ferrand: Presses Universitaire Blaise Pascal.

Evans, N. (2002) Reflexiones en torno al modelo agropecuario productivista. In Garcia Pascual, F. (ed.) El Mundo Rural en la Era de la Globalización: Incertidumbres y potencialidades. Universitat de Lleida and Ministero de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Serie Estudios No. 146, Spain, pp.45-64.

Evans, N. (2000) The impact of BSE in cattle on high nature value conservation sites in England. In Millward, H., Beesley, K., Ilbery, B. and Harrington, L. (eds.) Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability in the New Countryside. Rural Research Centre, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Canada, pp.92-110.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (2000) Taking stock of farm animals and rurality. In Philo, C. and Wilbert, C. (eds.) Animal Spaces, Beastly Places. Routledge, London. Chapter 5, pp.98-114.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (1998) Charity begins at Linga Holm: the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. In Ferjoux, A. (ed.) Environement et Nature dams les Campagnes, pp.21-32. Université de Nantes, France.

Evans, N. and Yarwood, R. (1997) Rare breeds, livestock and the post-productivist countryside. In Ontiveros, A. and Hernando, F. (eds.) From Traditional Countryside to Postproductivism: recent trends in rural geography research in Britain and Spain, pp. 133-148. Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Murcia, Spain.

Evans, N. (1997) Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue: the marriage of agriculture and conservation in the UK. In Ilbery, B., Rickard, T. and Chiotti, Q. (eds.) Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability: a geographical perspective, pp. 233-251. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Evans, N. (1992) Towards an Understanding of Farm-based Tourism in Britain. In Gilg, A. (ed.) Progress in Rural Policy and Planning, pp.140-144. Belhaven Press, London.

Evans, N. (1991) The British Isles: an agricultural patchwork. In Tarrant, J. (ed.) Farming and Food. Equinox Publications, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Evans, N. (1991) Farm-based accommodation and tourism in England and Wales. In France et Grande-Bretagne Rurales: Rural France and Great Britain, pp.175-187. Proceedings of the first Franco-British Symposium on Rural Geography, Centre de Recherches sur L’évolution de la Vie Rurale, Université de Caen, France.

Published Research Reports (public domain only)

Evans, N. (2018) The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Fourth Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

Evans, N. and Esrich, P. (2017) Ten Years of Landscape Change in the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Public version available at:

Evans, N. (2014) The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Third Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Public version available at:

Carruthers, P., Winter, M. and Evans, N. (2013) Farming’s Value to Society. Oxford Farming Conference Keynote Publication, OFC Research, January.

Evans, N. (2009) The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Second Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Public version available at:

Evans, N. (2006) The State of the Malvern Hills AONB. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Public version available at:

Evans, N. and Connolly, E. (2006) A Methodology for Assessing the State of the Malvern Hills AONB Landscape. Report to the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership. Available at:

Evans, N. , White, K., Lovelace, D. and Storey, D. (2002) A Farm Study for Shropshire. Report to Shropshire County Council and partners, Centre for Rural Research, University College Worcester.

Yarwood, R. and Evans, N. (2002) Agricultural Biodiversity Resources of Welsh Domestic Livestock. Report to the Countryside Council for Wales, University of Plymouth and the Centre for Rural Research, University College Worcester.

Evans, N., Handley, T. and Lovelace, D. (2001) The Herefordshire Farming Study. Report to the Herefordshire Partnership. Centre for Rural Research, University College Worcester.

Winter, M., Evans, N. and Gaskell, P. (1998) The CAP Beef Regime in England and its Impact on Nature Conservation. Research Report No. 265, English Nature, Peterborough.


Research Consultancy Project List

The list that follows represents a selection of research projects actively undertaken – those with a high level of personal input. Many were conducted in the role of Director of the Centre for Rural Research and now continue under the auspices of broader research groups focused on sustainability.

2023 The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Fifth Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2022 Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Communities. Report for Community First.

2019 Review of the Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) Network. For PwC and Defra.

2018 The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Fourth Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2017 Ten Years of Landscape Change in the Malvern Hills AONB. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2014 The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Third Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2013 The Value of Farming to Society. Report for the Oxford Farming Conference. With Peter Carruthers.

2012 Market Gardening and the Use of Rights of Way in North Littleton, Vale of Evesham. Expert witness report to Scaiff LLP.

2010 Avoncroft Picnic Place Visitor Survey. For the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2010 Geographical Endemism as a Definition of Endangerment in Farm Livestock Breeds: Phase 2. For the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

2009 The State of the Malvern Hills AONB: A Second Look. Report for the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2009 Geographical Endemism as a Definition of Endangerment in Farm Livestock Breeds. For the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

2008 St. Wulstan’s Nature Reserve Visitor Survey. For the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2008 A Second Evidence Base for West Midlands Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. For the West Midlands AONB consortium.

2008 Social and Community Impacts of Changes in the Hill Farming Economy. For the Commission for Rural Communities.

2008 Polytunnels and Rural Communities. For the Commission for Rural Communities.

2007 Access to Foundation Degrees. For Aimhigher West Midlands.

2007 Hartlebury Common Visitor Survey: a second look. Report to the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2007 St. Wulstan’s Nature Reserve Visitor Survey. Report to the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2007 The State of the Malvern Hills AONB Report to the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2007 A Second Evidence Base for West Midlands Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Report to the West Midlands AONB consortium.

2006 A Methodology for Assessing the State of the Malvern Hills AONB Landscape. Report to the Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2006 Under-represented Groups and use of Rights of Way in Worcestershire. Report to the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2005 Pershore Bridges Picnic Place Visitor Survey. Report to the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2005 The Liveability of Public Parks in the South West Midlands. For The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

2004 The University College Worcester Student Survey. Report to Academic Quality Unit, UofW.

2004 Cleobury Mortimer and Hinterland: Survey of Environmental Issues. Report to Cleobury Mortimer Partnership Forum and South Shropshire District Council.

2004 What Kind of and Institution Are We? Report to Equal Opportunities Department, UofW.

2004 Blackstone Riverside Park Visitor Survey. Report to The Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2004 Fish Hill Picnic Place Visitor Survey. Report to The Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2004 A Recreational Strategy for the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark. Report to Countryside Agency.

2004 The Geotouristic Potential of the Abberley Hills. Report to the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Trust.

2003 The Characterisation of the Severn-Vrynwy Land Management Initiative Project Area. Report to Countryside Agency.

2003 Waseley Hills Country Park Visitor Survey. Report to the Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

2003 Herefordshire Farming Study – post-FMD Follow-up. Report to The Herefordshire Partnership.

2003 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the West Midlands – a Statistical Digest. Report to Countryside Agency.

2002 Leominster Young Persons Drug Outreach Project: an Evaluation. Report to Drug Services Hereford (DASH).

2002 Recycling Feasibility Study for Worcestershire Lifestyles. Report to Worcestershire Lifestyles.

2002 Agricultural Biodiversity Resources of Welsh Domestic Livestock. Report to Countryside Council for Wales.

2002 Sustainable Landscapes in Shropshire: A Farm Study for Shropshire. Report to Shropshire County Council and partners.

2002 Analysis of Consultation Data for Malvern Hills AONB Management Plan. Report to Malvern Hills AONB Partnership.

2001 The Herefordshire Farming Study. Report to Herefordshire Partnership.

2001 The Economic Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease in Worcestershire. Report to Worcestershire County Council.

2000 A Visitor Survey of Hartlebury Common. Report to The Countryside Service, Worcestershire County Council.

1999 SSSI Owner-Occupier Segmentation Project Phase 3. Report to English Nature. With CCRU.

1999 Deer and Grazing Management Assessment of Little Doward, Crocker’s Ash, Herefordshire. Report to the Woodland Trust.

1998 SSSI Owner-Occupier Segmentation Project Phase 2. Report to English Nature. With CCRU.

1998 Economic Evaluation of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Report to Countryside Commission. With CCRU, Cheltenham & Gloucester College of H.E. For the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

1998 The Rare Breeds Meat Marketing Scheme. For Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

1997 Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Report to Countryside Commission. With CCRU. For the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

1997 SSSI Owner-Occupier Segmentation Project Phase 1. Report to English Nature. With CCRU.

1997 The CAP Beef Regime in England and its Impact on Nature Conservation. Report to English Nature. With CCRU.

1996 The Geography of Rare Breeds of Domestic Livestock. Nuffield Foundation.

1996 The Effects of CAP Reform on the GB Countryside. With CRRU, Cheltenham & Gloucester College of H.E. For the Countryside Commission, Countryside Council for Wales, Department of the Environment and Scottish Natural Heritage.

External Responsibilities

A selection of activities conducted outside the 国产视频 appears below.

  • External examiner for UK university geography courses
  • External PhD examiner
  • Expert reviewer for submissions made to geography journals
  • Expert reviewer for submissions made to interdisciplinary journals
  • Assessor for international Research Council funding applications
  • Assessor for UK Research Council funding applications
  • End of project rapporteur for international and domestic research projects
  • Research Councils Advisor to Heritage Lottery Fund bids
  • Advisor to UK Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra)
  • Advisor to Natural England
  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
  • Member (and past Secretary) of Rural Geography Research Group of RGS
  • Member, Planning and Environment Research Group of RGS
  • Committee member of the Chaplaincy for Agricultural and Rural Life, Worcester Diocese
  • Member, Rare Breeds Survival Trust