Refereed Journal Papers:
Edwards, C., Molnár, G., and Tod, D. (2021) Searching for ontological security: women’s experiences leading to high drive for muscularity. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14, 609-627. doi: 10.1080/2159676X.2021.1969995.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnar, G. (2017) Searching for Masculine Capital: Experiences Leading to High Drive for Muscularity in Men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 18, 361-371. doi:10.1037/men0000072.
Tod, D., Edwards, C. and Cranswick, I. (2016) Muscle Dysmorphia: Current insights. Psychology Research and Behaviour Management, 9, 1-10. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S97404.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnar, G. and Markland, D. (2016) Predicting muscularity-related behavior, emotions, and cognitions in men: The role of psychological need thwarting, drive for muscularity, and mesomorphic internalization. Body Image,18, 108-112. doi: 10.1016/bodyIm.2016.06.005.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnar, G. and Markland, D. (2016) Perceived social pressures and the internalization of the mesomorphic ideal: The role of drive for muscularity and autonomy in physically active men. Body Image, 16, 63-69. doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2015.11.003.
Tod, D., Edwards, C., McGuigan, M. and Lovell, G. (2015) A Systematic Review of the Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Strength Performance. Sports Medicine, 45, 1589-1602. doi: 10.1007/s40279-015-0356-1.
Tod, D. and Edwards, C. (2015) A meta-analysis of the drive for muscularity's relationships with exercise, disordered eating, and supplement consumption. International review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8, 185-203. doi: 10.1080/1750984X.2015.1052089.
Thomas, A., Tod, D., Edwards, C. and McGuigan, M.R. (2014) Drive for muscularity and social physique anxiety mediate the perceived ideal physique muscle dysmorphia relationship. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28, 3508- 3514. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000573.
Tod, D. and Edwards, C. (2014) Relationship among muscle dysmorphia characteristics, body image quality of life, and coping in males. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18, 585-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.07.015. Epub 2014 Aug 7.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and Molnar, G. (2014) A systematic review of the drive for muscularity research area. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7 (1), 18-41. doi:10.1080/1750984X.2013.847113.
Tod, D. and Edwards, C. (2013) Predicting drive for muscularity behavioural engagement from body image attitudes and emotions. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 1, 10, 135-138.
Tod, D., Hall, G. and Edwards, C. (2013) Drive for Leanness and Health-Related Behaviour within a Social/Cultural Perspective. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 10, 640-642.
Tod, D., Hall, G. and Edwards, C. (2012) Gender invariance and correlates of the Drive for Leanness Scale. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 9, 555-558.
Tod, D., Morrison, T. G. and Edwards, C. (2012) Evaluating validity and test/retest reliability in four drive for muscularity questionnaires. Body Image, 9, 425-428.
Tod, D., Morrison, T. G. and Edwards, C. (2012) Psychometric properties of Yelland and Tiggemann's Drive for Muscularity Scale. Body Image, 9, 421-424.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Morrison, T. and Molnar, G. (2012) Drive For muscularity. In Tod, D. and Lavallee, D. (Eds.). Psychology of strength and conditioning: Current perspectives. (pp. 148-172). London, Routledge.
Edwards, C. and Evans, G. (2010) The Challenges of Change. In Kidman, L. and Lombardi, V. Athlete Centered Coaching, Innovative Print Publications.
Tod, D., Edwards, C., Drury, B., Akehurst, S. and Lavallee, D. (2008) Relationships among muscle dysmorphia and body image-related quality of life and coping strategies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the British Association of Sports Sciences, London. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (Suppl. 2). 139-140.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and McGuigan, M. (2008) Self-talk influences vertical jump performance and kinematics in male rugby union players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26, 1459-1465.
Conference and Invited Presentations:
Edwards, C., Tod, D, and Molnar, G (2022) Searching for meaning: men’s stories of long-term androgenic-anabolic steroid use. In: International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 26th-28th July 2022, Durham.
Edwards, C. (2018, October) Men, Muscle, and Mental Health: Western Male Athletes’ Quest for the Perfect Body. 'Psychology International Forum for Young Scholar' of Beijing Sport University, School of Psychology, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China.
Edwards, C., Molnar, G, and Tod, D. (2018, June) Building the unbreakable self: Women’s experiences leading to high drive for muscularity. 6th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnar, G. and Markland, D. (2016, July) Predicting muscularity-related behavior, emotions, and cognitions in men: The role of psychological need thwarting, drive for muscularity, and mesomorphic internalization. Paper presented at Appearance Matters 7 Conference, London, UK.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., and Molnar, G. (2016, July) In search of Masculine capital: Men's experiences leading to high drive for muscularity. Paper presented at Appearance Matters 7 Conference, London, UK.
Tod, D. and Edwards, C. (2015, July) A meta-analysis of the drive for muscularity's relationships with exercise, disordered eating, and supplement consumption. Paper presented at the European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.
Tod, D., Edwards, C., McGuigan, M. and Lovell, G. (2015, July) Cognitive strategies effects on muscular force production: A systematic review. Paper presented at the European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and Molnar, G. (2015, July) I just wanted to be Big Dan: An exploration into the development of high levels of drive for muscularity in men. Paper presented at the European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnar, G. and Markland, D. (2014, July) Perceived social pressure and the internalization of the mesomorphic ideal: The role of drive for muscularity and autonomy. Paper presented at Appearance Matters 6 Conference, Bristol, UK.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and Hall, G. (2013, April) Drive for leanness and health-related behavior within a social/cultural perspective. Paper presented at the Annual British Psychological Society conference, Harrogate, UK.
Edwards, C., Tod. D. and Molnar, G. (2013, April) Drive for muscularity: A systematic review. Paper presented at the Federation of Sport and Exercise Psychology conference, Paris, France.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and Molnar, G. (2012) A systematic review of the drive for muscularity research. British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Royal Connaught Rooms, London.
Tod, D., Hall, G. and Edwards, C. (2012, April) Gender invariance and correlates of the Drive for Leanness Scale. Paper presented at the Annual British Psychological Society conference, London, UK.
Tod, D. and Edwards, C. (2010, December) Relationships muscle dysmorphia has with indices of sexual self-esteem. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Biannual Conference, London, UK.
Tod, D., Edwards, C., Drury, B., Akehurst, S. and Lavallee, D. (2009, July) Muscle dysmorphia relationships with body image-related quality of life and coping. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Wales Institute for Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, Aberystwyth, Wales.
Tod, D., Edwards, C. and Hardy, J. (2009) Relationships muscle dysmorphia has with appearance schema processing, body image disturbance and frequency of body image dysphoria. Paper presented at the annual conference of the British Association of Sports Sciences, Leeds, England 2009.
Media and Public Engagement Presentations:
Webinar. How does gym culture need to change to promote eating disorder prevention and recovery? First Steps Eating disorders (March 2023)
Podcast. What is Muscle Dysmorphia? Myominds (July 2021)