PhD Student Speaks to ABC News about Muscle Dysmorphia

George Mycock
George Mycock

George Mycock was interviewed for ABC News discussing his own personal experiences of the condition, along with several other men.

“I was asked to do the interview by the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, a charity that provides support for those with body and muscle dysmorphia” he said. “I’m keen to raise awareness about this importance issue and it was a privilege to be able to speak to the American media.”

Muscle dysmorphia is a form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, a psychological disorder that impacts a person’s thoughts about their body. In particular, muscle dysmorphia is characterised by an obsession with muscularity.

George, age 27, started his PhD at the University earlier this year and is hoping his research will lead to greater understanding of muscle dysmorphia, particularly how healthcare services and organisations can develop to improve care for the underrepresented group.

“When I saw the PhD advertised it was just perfect for me,” he said. “This is an issue I have experienced and have been raising awareness about for some time now.”

George, who now lives in Malvern, established MyoMinds (, a platform that aims to improve understanding and awareness of mental health in exercisers, and has consulted on several projects with other organisations on the subjects of muscularity-oriented psychosocial issues, exercise addiction, and eating disorders. Through his organisation George also runs a podcast where he speaks to researchers, clinicians, athletes, and others in open conversation about mental health within exercise and sport.

You can watch the ABC News piece on YouTube at