Solidarity with Ukraine

Ukraine flag - St Johns web
The Ukranian flag flies alongside the Union flag at St John's Campus

The Ukranian and Union flags are flying at both the University's St John's Campus and at the Art House in the City Centre.

Vice Chancellor, Professor David Green CBE DL, said: "Colleagues and students throughout the University have been horrified by the Russian regime’s invasion of the Ukraine. The needless deaths of civilians, including children, as well as soldiers, the injuries to many more and the displacement of so many people is truly devastating.

"Worcester was founded after World War II to “win the peace through education”.

"As an institution our commitment to democracy, the rule of law and the sovereignty of independent nations is unshakable.

"As a community, we express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they fight to preserve their cities, country, lives and freedoms.

"We ask our government to do all they can in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

"It is clear that the Russian people are being misinformed and there is evidence of much opposition to the war in Russia. It is certainly not a war in their name or in their interests. Every day the opposition is growing.

"We know that what we can do is small compared with the magnitude of the problem, but we cannot rest so long as there is any sense that we are not doing all that might be done."

What can you do?

If you are able, please consider supporting charitable appeals to help those suffering now. Here are the details of the and the .